6.3.1 Petition

6.3.1 Petition cmluwisc Mon, 01/23/2023 - 18:17

The Petition requesting gender marker correction should set forth the factual basis on which your client is entitled to relief. It is advisable to track the statutory components closely but generically. At minimum, the Petition must establish that your client has received an appropriate medical diagnosis qualifying them for surgical intervention as part of their transition and that the surgical intervention has resulted in a medical status whereby their birth record no longer accurately reflects their gender, thus necessitating the correction of that record. By providing accurate information without excessive disclosure, you can preserve as much privacy for your client as possible. This will make it easier to redact or seal limited portions of the record as desired by your client. As always, give your client the full range of options and allow them to decide how they wish to manage their own information and privacy.