3.3.1 Supportive Housing

3.3.1 Supportive Housing aetrahan Tue, 01/24/2023 - 10:14

This program allows nonprofit organizations to receive funding for many services, including transitional housing for persons currently homeless and permanent housing for homeless individuals with disabilities. Transitional housing assistance is designed to facilitate the movement of homeless individuals to independent living within 24 months (or a longer period as determined by HUD to be necessary to make the transition). Residents may be required to pay up to 30% of their adjusted income as their share of rent. Participants in this type of program may be required to leave the program at the end of the period or if they violate program rules. Termination is to be viewed as last resort, and the termination process requires that the residents be given written notice with a clear statement of the reasons for the termination. Residents are entitled to appeal the decision with an opportunity to present oral or written objections to a person other than the person who made the adverse decision or a subordinate of that person. A prompt written notice of the final decision is required.1

  • 124 C.F.R. § 583.300(i).