6.2 IEP Facilitation
6.2 IEP Facilitation aetrahan Fri, 03/03/2023 - 11:50Although it is not required by the IDEA, IEP Facilitation is available to parents and LEAs in Louisiana when both agree that it would be valuable to have a neutral person, the IEP Facilitator, present at an IEP meeting to assist both sides in discussing and reaching agreement on issues regarding an IEP.1 The IEP Facilitator’s role is to assist in creating an atmosphere for fair communication and the successful drafting of the IEP.2 IEP Facilitation is a voluntary process so either party can request it, but both sides must agree to participate for the facilitator to be assigned.3 An attorney can request IEP Facilitation on behalf of a parent by mailing, faxing, or emailing the LDE with the completed request form available on its website.4
- 1La. Bulletin 1706 § 905 (defining Individualized Education Plan Facilitation).
- 2Id.
- 3Id.
- 4For the LDE form, see La. Dep’t of Educ., Request for Special Education Facilitation.