8.3 U.S. Passport

A certified court judgment is required to correct the name on a U.S.-issued passport. The gender marker on a passport may be corrected without any additional medical documentation, and, as of 2022, it is possible to request a nonbinary gender marker on U.S.-issued passports. In addition to a traditional passport book, it is possible to apply for a passport card. This card is similar to a wallet-sized, state-issued ID. It can be used as valid ID in any state, for domestic air travel, and limited international land and sea travel, but cannot be used in lieu of a driver’s license for driving and cannot be used in lieu of a passport book for international air travel. It offers all of the same accessibility as a passport book but is more convenient for daily use within the U.S.

Disclaimer: The articles in the Gillis Long Desk Manual do not contain any legal advice.