[Name of School Official]
[Email Address]
Re: Request for IEE at Public Cost for [Name of Student] (D.O.B. XX/XX/XXXX)
Dear [Name of School Official]:
I am an attorney writing on behalf of my client, [Name of Client], to request an Independent Educational Evaluation (“IEE”) for her child, [Name of Student] (DOB: XX/XX/XXXX), pursuant to 34 C.F.R. §300.502 and Louisiana Bulletin 1706 § 503. [Name of Student] is currently a [Grade Level]-grade student at [Name of School]. [Name of Parent] disagrees with the most recent evaluation conducted by [Name of LEA] on [Date] because [Including reasons for disagreement is not necessary but can be explained if desired].
[Name of Parent] would like this IEE to be completed as quickly as possible so that the information it provides can be used to address the student’s educational needs. Please respond as soon as possible directly to me with information about how [Name of Parent] can obtain an IEE and any criteria for obtaining an IEE at public cost that may apply. You can reach me at [Contact Information]. Thank you for your assistance.
[Requestor Name]