8 Disability Rights Louisiana

Disability Rights Louisiana (DRLA), formerly known as the Advocacy Center, is the protection and advocacy (P&A) agency for the State of Louisiana. DRLA is a nonprofit organization with both attorney and non-attorney advocates who protect, advocate for, and empower individuals with disabilities. DRLA has federal statutory authority to perform its work,1  and each year publishes its priorities on its website for public viewing.2  As the P&A agencyh for individuals with disabilities, DRLA has amassed a wealth of knowledge about disability rights, resources for individuals with disabilities, and the law as it pertains to disability rights.

While DRLA is not able to provide direct assistance in response to every request, DRLA is able to provide technical assistance to other attorneys who may be handling a matter dealing with disability rights. Some examples of technical support that DRLA has provide in the past are:

  • Assistance with finding interpreters, obtaining materials printed in braille, and identifying and locating other forms of assistive technology
  • Guidance on accessible written materials including what font is appropriate, what color schemes are appropriate, and what formats may be more accessible
  • Guidance on how to represent an individual when eligibility for Medicaid waiver services has been denied or with an involuntary discharge from a provider
  • Assistance with advocating for a placement alternative to jail for individuals with both mental illness and intellectual/developmental disabilities. This assistance has included both technical guidance for the attorney and direct advocacy before the court.
  • 1See Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act, 42 U.S.C. § 10801, et seq.; the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000, 42 U.S.C. § 15001, et seq.; the Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights Program, 29 U.S.C. § 794e.
  • 2See Priorities, Disability Rts. La.

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