5.1.3 Reevaluation Advocacy

In some cases, advocates may encounter special education students whose triennial reevaluations have been waived multiple times. In others, the “reevaluation” may consist of a one-page “check box” form that merely confirms that the student remains eligible for special education services after a review of records. Under both circumstances, obtaining a comprehensive reevaluation as soon as possible can provide valuable information for shaping appropriate IEP goals, services, and modifications. As with an initial evaluation request, a request for a reevaluation should be sent as a letter to the appropriate school official(s) via email along with any supporting documentation.1  The request for a reevaluation can also be combined with a request to add a particular IEP service, such as an assistive technology device or additional speech therapy minutes. As with the initial evaluation process, advocacy may be needed to ensure that the reevaluation is completed in a thorough and timely manner. If the LEA resists conducting a thorough reevaluation, the attorney should consider requesting an IEE at public cost and engaging in formal dispute resolution if needed to obtain the benefits of a proper reevaluation.

  • 1A template letter for requesting a special education reevaluation is provided in Section 9.

Disclaimer: The articles in the Gillis Long Desk Manual do not contain any legal advice.