8.7.1 General Principles

For unsupervised visits, or to overcome the custodial presumption, the PSFVRA requires that a parent with a history of perpetrating domestic violence successfully complete a court-monitored domestic abuse intervention program as defined in R.S. 9:362. The program must have been completed since the last incident of abuse.1

A qualifying program and provider must meet the following standards:

  • The program must be comprised of at least twenty-six in-person sessions.
  • The program must follow a model designed specifically for perpetrators of domestic abuse, and must be monitored by the court.2
  • The provider must have experience working directly with perpetrators and victims of domestic abuse.
  • The provider must have experience facilitating batterer intervention groups.
  • The provider must have training in the causes and dynamics of domestic violence, characteristics of batterers, victim safety, and sensitivity of victims.3

If a client’s abusive former partner seeks a visitation modification under this provision, the modification may be contested on multiple grounds: whether the treatment program satisfies the statutory definition, whether the facilitator/provider possesses the requisite experience and expertise, and whether there is reason to believe the treatment was successful.

  • 1La. R.S. 9:364(B)(1).
  • 2La. R.S. 9:362.
  • 3La. R.S. 9:362(3).

Disclaimer: The articles in the Gillis Long Desk Manual do not contain any legal advice.