One of the first steps of educational advocacy is to obtain an authorization to release confidential information and to submit a request for all of a student’s educational records.1 The request should be as comprehensive as possible. The records available and the language used for the request may differ slightly, however, depending on whether the student is already in special education and whether or not the request is focused on records relating a specific disciplinary incident.2 The comprehensive records request should be sent via email in order to create a record of when and to whom it was sent. Schools and charter organizations may list a particular person or email address on their website as the contact for records requests. If this information is not available, advocates and parents should send requests to the principal or special education coordinator for the school in addition to the child’s teacher. In some cases, it may be appropriate to send the request to the special education coordinator or director for the LEA in addition to the appropriate school-level official.
If the student has a medical diagnosis, sees a mental health provider, or has a history of hospitalization, it is advisable to also obtain a HIPAA-compliant release to obtain medical records. The Louisiana Department of Health (“LDH”) provides an Authorization to Release or Obtain Health Information that is HIPAA-compliant and available in a fillable pdf format.3 Some providers have their own releases that they prefer be used for records requests.4 Many providers accept records requests via email or through an online records request portal.5 Otherwise, the request letter and accompanying release can be mailed or faxed to the provider.6
- 1A sample authorization to release records is provided in Section 9.
- 2Templates for letters requesting educational records for a special education student, for a student not-receiving special education services and for a specific disciplinary incident are provided in Section 9.
- 3La. Dep’t of Health, Authorization to Release or Obtain Health Information (Oct. 29, 2015).
- 4 See, e.g., LCMC Health, Authorization to Disclose or Release Protected Health Information (July 2019); Ochsner, Authorization for Release of Confidential Information (Aug. 18, 2020).
- 5For information on requesting medical records from New Orleans Children’s Hospital or other LCMC Health facilities, see Request Your Medical Records, LCMC Health, For information on requesting medical records from Ochsner Health facilities or providers, see Request Medical Records and Documents, Ochsner Health.
- 6A template letter for requesting medical records is provided in Section 9.