An LEA has a maximum of 30 days to hold an IEP meeting and complete the initial IEP after a student has been found eligible for special education through the initial evaluation process.1 The special education and related services listed in the initial IEP must made available to the student as soon as possible but no later than 10 school days after the IEP is developed.2 Afterwards, an IEP team meeting must be held at least annually to review and revise the document, though meetings can occur more frequently if needed.3 At any point after an annual IEP meeting, an IEP can be amended by convening another IEP meeting.4 An IEP can also be amended without convening a new IEP meeting if the parent and LEA agree not to meet and instead choose to develop a written document to amend or modify the IEP.5
Some students are eligible for special education services through an Interim IEP even before the completion of the initial evaluation and a determination of eligibility. An Interim IEP must be developed for students with severe or low-incidence impairments documented by a qualified professional while the initial evaluation is being conducted.6 Interim IEPs may also be developed while the initial evaluation is being conducted for students who have been receiving special education services out of state, who have been out of school altogether, or who formerly received special education services and left public school without obtaining a state diploma.7
- 1La. Bulletin 1530 § 105(A); La. Bulletin 1706 § 323(C)(1).
- 2La. Bulletin 1530 § 105(A)(2)(b); La. Bulletin 1706 § 323(C)(2).
- 3La. Bulletin 1530 § 111(B); La. Bulletin 1706 § 324(B).
- 4La. Bulletin 1706 § 324(A)(6).
- 5La. Bulletin 1530 § 113(A); La. Bulletin 1706 § 324(A)(4)(a).
- 6La. Bulletin 1530 § 111(C). Low incidence impairments include hearing impairment, visual impairment, deaf-blindness, traumatic brain injury, moderate or severe intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, some cases of severe autism, orthopedic impairments, and significant health issues. See La. Bulletin 1508 § 307(B).
- 7La. Bulletin 1530 § 111(C)(1)–(2).